100 Days of the tao
Mixed Media on Paper
Most 11 x 14 inches
Day 1: Reasonable adults understand that big things happen in small measurable steps, but the hopeful child inside still wishes for it all at once. sold
Day 2: Having forgiveness for yourself is a good place to start.
Day 3: I’ve watched too many tiktok videos to know what’s real anymore.
Day 4: the sacrifice and faith required for love. sold
Day 5: Sadness turns to humor if you let it go.
Day 7: Feeling weird.
Day 7 got tired of listening to my own voice.
Day 8: what is, without interruption.
Day 9: The stifling nature of existing within desire.
Day 10: The pathways that are made when you see what you do not possess.
Day 11: The harmonious sense of being between opposites.
Day 12: All things grow in their own right, constant, undisturbed.
Day 13: suppression and stillness
Day 14: leaving thing as they are and feeling ok about what is.
Day 15: Appreciation of the emptiness.
Day 16: The unseen emerging through symbols.
Day 17: Freeing my mind from my identity.
Day 19 : You must be out of your mind. -MG
Day 18: Water
Day 20: The punctuation of cycles created through achievement.
Day 21: All together and all at once.
Day 22: the natural organization of all things and beings.
Day 23: Detachment to everything is the way.
Day 24: The importance of the unseen.
Day 25: Stillness allows time to return things to their natural order.
Day 26: When something is forced it’s often less true.
Day 27: A well appointed end.
Day 28: It’s all constant and complete from the very beginning.
Day 30: Do not drown in your desires.
Day 31: Framing the Tao in the themes of consciousness.
Day 32: Letting everything I’ve learned expand into reality.
Day 33: All for one and one for all
Day 34: I lost all of my expectations in the move.
Day 35: WW1 Poppies
Day 36: The peace of minding your own business part 2.
Day 37: The balance between discernment and openness
Day 38: Because it does not seek greatness it becomes great.
Day 40: The inexhaustible utility of flavorless sustenance
Day 41: For the different people.
Day 51: She caught the Katy.
Day 42: Assimilation masquerade ball.
Day 43: Sunlight and the shade of the tress
Day 44: The subtle creation of all earthly things
Day 45: The tao has run its course
Day 46: A beautiful day to look forward to things.
Day 47: What works, what’s sellable, and daring to live in obscurity.
Day 48: All of the ugly works.
Day 49: Accepting Mistakes
Day 50: An explanation for my insuecurities based on this tiny little square you see.
Day 53: living in the midwest
Day 52: Hot summer in the midwest.
Day 54: The trickle of seemingly irrelevant inspiration.
Day 55: Me talking about my move AGAIN
Day 56: Its been crazy…
Day 57: A Brooklyn state of mind
Day 58: Preserving any good state of mind I can find.
Day 59: The ghost porcelain kitty bank
Day 60: The Weight of Paradise
Day 61: Showing all the cards.
Day 62: A Feminine Hug
Day 63: Removing self criticism from the creation equation.
Day 63: Removing self criticism from the creation equation.
Day 65: Putting memories to rest.
Day 66: Turning a new page.
Day 67: Feeling into the future.
Day 68: The Bitter Winds of Change
Day 69: There are two 69’s. Here is the first one.
Day 69: There are two 69’s. Here is the second one.
Day 70: Reculer pour mieux sauter.
71: I do my best
72: what was the reason
Day 73: I forgot my original point.
Day 74: all of the good times.
Day 75: human hands making things.
Day 76: the eyes of the outside world
Day 77: The flowers she sent and the flowers she said she sent. - Magnetic Fields
Day 78: The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Day 79: The sacred invisible moments that make up our lives.
Day 80: Blurred Vision
Day 81: If you haven’t cringed at yourself, you haven’t taken enough risks.
Day 82: If we saw our inner worlds fully expressed, the universe, heaven, and hell will simultaneously open. Our mortal bodies could not handle such a grand perception of truth.
Day 83: For lack of wise words here's some petty ones.
Day 84: The day I had a party for people I barely know.
Day 85: The end of summer.
Day 86: novel movements everyday
Day 87: Another day gone by with not much to say.
Day 88: There are so many ways to go about it.
Day 89: Thoughts on making people feel good
Day 90: Hugging the old way of doing things before I say goodbye.
Day 91: The magic of our world emerged without conscious force.
Day 92: Inspiration that comes with an Amazon membership.
Day 93: The Validity of Your Inspiration
Day 94: failure to restrain myself because my ego got in the way.
Day 95: Future afternoons of pleasant living in the parlor.
Day 96: Without consequence but not inconsequential.
Day 97: A breakthrough
Day 98: When things feel correct but a little hazy at the same time.
Day 29: The permanently impermanent.
Day 99: Apologies for being unwell in the head.
Day 100: Walking through all of the doors presented to me.
100 Days of The Tao
Day 1: Reasonable adults understand that big things happen in small measurable steps, but the hopeful child inside still wishes for it all at once.
Day 2: Having forgiveness for yourself is a good place to start.
Day 3: I’ve watched too many TikTok videos to know what’s real anymore.
Day 4: the sacrifice and faith required for love.
Day 5: Sadness turns to humor if you let it go.
Day 6: Feeling weird.
Day 7: #doitfortheprocess
Day 8: What is without interruption?
Day 9: The stifling nature of existing within desire.
Day 10: The pathways that are made when you see what you do not possess.
Day 11: The harmonious sense of being between opposites.
Day 12: All things grow in their own right, constant, undisturbed.
Day 13: Suppression and Stillness
Day 14: Leaving things as they are and feeling ok about what is.
Day 15: Appreciation of the emptiness.
Day 16: The unseen emerging through symbols.
Day 17: Freeing my mind from my identity.
Day 18: Water
Day 19: Untitled because I was overwhelmed at the time.
Day 20- The punctuation of cycles created through achievement
Day 21: All together and all at once.
Day 22: the natural organization of all things and beings.
Day 23: Detachment to everything is the way.
Day 24: the importance of the unseen.
Day 25: Stillness allows time to return things to their natural order.
Day 26: When something is forced, it’s often less true.
Day 27: A well-appointed end.
Day 28: It’s all constant and complete from the very beginning.
Day 29: The permanently impermanent.
Day 30: Do not drown in your desires.
Day 31: Framing the Tao in the themes of consciousness.
Day 32: Letting everything I’ve learned expand into reality.
Day 33: All for one and one for all
Day 34: I lost all of my expectations in the move.
Day 35: WW1 Poppies
Day 36: The peace of minding your own business part 2.
Day 37: The balance between discernment and openness
Day 38: Because it does not seek greatness, it becomes great.
Day 39: The multitude of things that comes from the heart.
Day 40: The inexhaustible utility of flavorless sustenance
Day 41: For the different people.
Day 42: Assimilation masquerade ball.
Day 43: Sunlight and the shade of the tress
Day 44: The subtle creation of all earthly things
Day 45: The Tao has run its course
Day 46: A beautiful day to look forward to things.
Day 47: What works, what’s sellable, and daring to live in obscurity.
Day 48: All of the ugly works.
Day 49: Accepting Mistakes
Day 50: An explanation for my insecurities based on this tiny square you see.
Day 51: She caught the Katy.
Day 52: Hot summer in the midwest.
Day 53: living in the midwest
Day 54: The trickle of seemingly irrelevant inspiration.
Day 55: Me talking about my move AGAIN
Day 56: It’s been crazy…
Day 57: A Brooklyn state of mind.
Day 58: Preserving any good state of mind I can find.
Day 59: The ghost porcelain kitty bank.
Day 60: The Weight of Paradise
Day 61: Showing all the cards.
Day 62: A Feminine Hug
Day 63: Removing self-criticism from the creation equation.
Day 64: A healthy separation of purpose and feeling.
Day 65: Putting memories to rest.
Day 66: Turning a new page.
Day 67: Feeling into the future.
Day 68: The Bitter Winds of Change
Day 69: There are two 69’s. Here is the first one.
Day 69: There are two 69’s. Here is the second one.
Day 70: Reculer pour mieux sauter.
71: I do my best
72: what was the reason
Day 73: I forgot my original point.
Day 74: all of the good times.
Day 75: human hands making things.
Day 76: the eyes of the outside world
Day 77: The flowers she sent and the flowers she said she sent. - Magnetic Fields
Day 78: The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Day 79: The sacred invisible moments that make up our lives.
Day 70: The power in changing your perspective of memory.
Day 80: Blurred Vision
Day 81: If you haven’t cringed at yourself, you haven’t taken enough risks.
Day 82: If we saw our inner worlds fully expressed, the universe, heaven, and hell would simultaneously open. Our mortal bodies could not handle such a grand perception of truth.
Day 83: For lack of wise words, here are some petty ones.
Day 84: The day I had a party for people I barely knew.
Day 85: The end of summer.
Day 86: novel movements every day
Day 87: Another day has gone by with not much to say.
Day 88: There are so many ways to go about it.
Day 89: Thoughts on making people feel good
Day 90: Hugging the old way of doing things before I say goodbye.
Day 91: The magic of our world emerged without conscious force.
Day 92: Inspiration that comes with an Amazon membership.
Day 93: The Validity of Your Inspiration
Day 94: Failure to restrain myself because my ego got in the way.
Day 95: Future afternoons of pleasant living in the parlor.
Day 96: Without consequence but not inconsequential.
Day 97: A breakthrough
Day 98: When things feel correct but a little hazy at the same time.
Day 99: Apologies for being unwell in the head.
Day 100: Walking through all of the doors presented to me.